Meeting Time: May 05, 2020 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3. Consideration of Parks Re-Opening Plan. DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Jody Leventhal over 4 years ago

    Kudos to Council for strong leadership, adherence to State & County guidelines. California doing better than most, has much to do with methodical not emotional response. Recent behavior of some demonstrated dangerous disregard for ordinances and show a population not ready to be fair and safe. Please base decisions for public safety on the advice of infectious disease experts. Experts believe opening public gathering too soon will spike infections. We need a few more weeks. Thank you.

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    Lori Nolting over 4 years ago

    Please open our parks, tennis courts and open spaces for safe use with social distancing.

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    Elizabeth Mozilo over 4 years ago

    Please reopen tennis courts. There is more social distancing playing tennis then walking around MB. Our streets are very crowded with residents walking and biking. Please allow us to use tennis courts where we are well over 6 feet from another player.

    Based on Newson's news conference, he too agrees that tennis can be played safely. See 22:23, "we have guidance on tennis, as an activity, an outdoor activity, which we encourage again, as long as you practice physical distancing."

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    Bill von Behren over 4 years ago

    It is time to reopen our Parks, the Strand and bike path for our community, with appropriate social distancing and face covering guidelines. Otherwise, it appears that a significant segment of our community will ignore the "closures" anyway. It would seem wiser for our City to respond to the public's requests, in order maintain credibility and have the opportunity to impose reasonable and enforceable restrictions rather than risk mutiny in the form of civil disobedience with no guidelines.

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    Andrew Cheng over 4 years ago

    I urge the City Council to reopen the tennis courts in Manhattan Beach. As many have noted in these comments, tennis can easily be played in a manner consistent with social distancing. Plus, opening the tennis courts and providing residents some athletic outlet also I think makes it easier to continue to adhere to other social distancing requirements. Finally, while I understand that many are unable to work, allowing our local tennis pros to resume making a living safely is a good thing.

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    Christine Bucklin over 4 years ago

    Please reopen the tennis courts and golf courses

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    Sarah Nedelman over 4 years ago

    Please open the tennis courts and parks/school fields as soon a possible. Tennis is a non-contact sport with distancing already built into the way it is played. With the beach, bike paths, and parks closed there is little place for residents and their families to exercise thus forcing people to run, walk, skate, scooter in the streets which is more dangerous than public open spaces. Outdoor exercise will help all our mental health and immune system, which is also key to fighting this virus.

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    Janice Liu over 4 years ago

    Please reopen the tennis courts. Tennis courts are 78 ft long, multiple magnitudes greater than the 6 ft social distancing requirement. So, no masks are needed. If there won't be a reservation system, there should be an easy to self-administer rule. Eg, play ends only on the hour (1PM, 2PM,etc.). If someone is waiting at the turn of the hour, the court is relinquished. If A starts playing at 2:45 and B is waiting there at 3PM, A stops playing at 3PM. This lessens arguments about length of play.

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    Jeff Cohn over 4 years ago

    Tennis Courts, Parks and Beaches should never have been closed. There is zero data correlation that home orders preventing the transmission of the virus. There is also plenty of scientific data to show that the likelihood of viral spread outdoors is near 0%.

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    Staci Carey over 4 years ago

    Please re-open the sand dune in this current phase. With reservations, numbers can be controlled and areas can be marked to achieve safe distancing while exercising. Opening the sand dune will alleviate crowding on the green belt. Runners, walkers, bikers, strollers, etc. come within inches of one another. Since gyms are not yet ready to open, the sand dune can offer a healthy outdoor area for many who need a low impact alternative to running in the street.

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    Spencer Trotta over 4 years ago

    Outdoor activity is necessary for maintaining a strong immune system. We can follow safety measures provided by CDC and health officials when resuming outdoor activities. Restrict confined areas in a park, such as a children's play structure, that are difficult to maintain human distance if necessary, but a large walkway, beach, or tennis/sports facility have plenty of space if everyone is mindful of the distance and sanitizing courtesies.

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    Dan Mackechnie over 4 years ago

    Please re-open all public spaces. Social distancing, masks and hand-washing have become new healthy habits. We can't sensationalize the few cases of those not following the rules. We are all motivated by our own self-interest which includes avoiding sickness. Give residents back their individual liberties and decision making rights. Please pressure the county to re-open the beaches and help businesses re-open too. Funnel resources to at risk residents, not stopping healthy activities.

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    John Cochran over 4 years ago

    I fully support the re-opening of MB's tennis courts. Playing tennis, by definition, permits players to responsibly practice social distancing. On a daily basis, basic activities like grocery shopping, involve materially more risk. Further, tennis, like many outdoor activities, is an essential ingredient to our residents' physical and mental health, which cannot be ignored. I urge you to consider both the safety of tennis and its clear physical and mental health benefits. Thanks!!

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    Kristen Lukas over 4 years ago

    Please reopen MB tennis courts. Because tennis does not require any direct person-to-person contact, players can benefit from the numerous physical and mental benefits that the sport has to offer, while keeping the 6-foot distancing protocol. Tennis is a great way to relieve stress, socialize with others, while providing much needed exercise.

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    david jina over 4 years ago

    OPEN ALL PUBLIC PLACES NOW! As a 20 year resident I demand that you remove all restrictions and prohibitions from public spaces such as parks, beaches etc. I am not going to say please as I am not your child. The city is here for the people and you have violated our constitutional right and I demand they be reinstated immediately.

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    Renee Simone over 4 years ago

    ES & HB have open parks--people are social distancing. We need safe places for our young kids to play w/o driving. Open tennis & the beach, at least during the week for exercise, please, too (San Diego and ventura fought back against newsom's orders). We were there the 3 days before closure and NO one was there (during the week). It's "healing" to be by the ocean. We NEED places to spread out. People who "don't care" are going to have house parties anyway. The rest shouldn't be punished. THX!

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    kim komick over 4 years ago

    Please open parks, tennis courts and fields for soccer. No masks unless social distancing is impossible. Open beaches and parks at the same time so that people are more spread out with more options. Don't limit hours as some cities have done as it just concentrates more people into time zones and causes confusion.

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    Ross Mitchell over 4 years ago

    Please reopen the tennis courts, parks and fields. There is more social distancing playing tennis than walking around MB. Families and individuals are now well versed in social distancing and giving them more space to recreate will help people better conform to our social distancing goals rather than confining them in homes, townhomes and apartments. Our streets are very crowded with residents walking and biking.

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    Kirsten Helvey over 4 years ago

    Please reopen tennis courts. There is more social distancing playing tennis then walking around MB. Our streets are very crowded with residents walking and biking. Please allow us to use tennis courts where we are well over 6 feet from another player.

    Based on Newson's news conference, he too agrees that tennis can be played safely. See 22:23, "we have guidance on tennis, as an activity, an outdoor activity, which we encourage again, as long as you practice physical distancing."

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    ERIN FREEMAN over 4 years ago

    Please open the tennis courts. Tennis is a sport that practices social distancing by its very nature and if each team/person uses their own balls, it’s even safer! Plus allowing people to play tennis will alleviate crowds on Ocean Ave and the wood chips and other streets. And lastly, I believe Newsom recently said tennis was a safe sport to engage in during these times. Thank you