Meeting Time: March 16, 2021 at 6:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

12. 21-0092 Consideration of Recommendations from Bruce's Beach Task Force (City Manager Moe). DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Edward Gajdicar over 3 years ago

    A plaque, artwork and accurate history are the task of the TF. the BBTF must be disbanded on 3/16/21.No reparations, restitution or restoration. No Resolution of Apology but an acknowledgement of all the families who lost land to eminent domain.. This is a local issue, and should decided by residents, if needed a referendum should be put on the ballot on which residents can vote.

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    DM Cummings over 3 years ago

    Residents will not agree to apologize for something they didn't do. Reword the Plaque. In the Resolution our history of 1920s MB must be factual.
    We ACKNOWLEDGE & empathize with ALL property owners in 1920's MB, including the Bruce family, who lost property.
    Delete "Stand Up" Pledge, calls on residents to snitch on neighbors, did we see how that turned out for Masks??
    I have lived here for 26 years, take out permanent (DEIC), We do not need this "commission" here.

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    Karen Shapiro over 3 years ago

    I moved to Manhattan Beach in 2012. At that time, neighbors could talk to neighbors. Now, the level of anger revolving around the divisive BB task force is high. The city leadership needs to put out the source of the flame by disbanding the task force. We can certainly respond to any actual incidents of racism without labeling the city, and consequently its residents & employees, as racist.

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    Christy Miller over 3 years ago

    I support reworded of the plaque, a small piece of artwork and an AR code for phones to be able to access the history. Additionally a website with the history would be welcomed. The volunteer task force has completed the job they were asked to do. They are no longer needed

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    Bill von Behren over 3 years ago

    I urge the City Council to consider the BBTF’s recommendations regarding a new plaque at Bruce’s Beach, perhaps an art piece for the premises and perhaps the acceptance of a historical record of events, if one can be verified as accurately depicting such events. And nothing more! And, please terminate the BBTF and thank its members for their efforts. It is time to move on.

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    Vicky Purvis over 3 years ago

    I am disappointed at the poor leadership of Steve & Hildy, this is evidenced by 3 apologies. The apology's also shows their real motives to enact a DEIC with extensive powers as a way to usurp CC powers
    A plaque, artwork and history were the tasks of the TF. The TF must be disbanded on 3/16/21. No reparations, restitution or restoration. No Apology but an acknowledgement. This is a local issue, and should decided by residents, if needed a referendum

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    Judy Peng over 3 years ago

    When the next Minneapolis or Portland style riots come to town because certain CC members are bound & determined to brand MB a RACIST CITY, who will be responsible for the destructions? Time to end the virtue-signaling and put the best interest of present day MB residents & businesses first. Thank you.

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    Devon Nicole over 3 years ago

    The city council has allowed this issue to become such a circus and as such this has somehow become international news. Put an end to this madness immediately! The residents of MB do not deserve all of the stress you’ve put us through with this task force non sense. We do not owe anything to anyone and this issue should be put to bed. Everyone has had wrong doings in their families over the years. Does that mean every single person alive should get reparations too??

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    Steven Nguyen over 3 years ago

    There has been a recent surge of "Manhattan Beach Residents" (all non POC) that have been attacking folks of the Bruce's Beach Task Force. It is easy to be blind and say "we are not racists" when the actions don't match. The reason why this apology won't happen is because racism is still an active issue in Manhattan Beach. As a POC, I feel uncomfortable in this city and I can't fathom to imagine how an African American person would feel. Non-POC should not be telling us POC how we should feel.

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    thomas chang over 3 years ago

    A plaque, artwork and accurate history are the task of the TF. the BBTF must be disbanded on 3/16/21.No reparations, restitution or restoration. No Resolution of Apology but an acknowledgement of all the families who lost land to eminent domain.. This is a local issue, and should decided by residents, if needed a referendum should be put on the ballot on which residents can vote.

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    Andy K over 3 years ago

    No reparations or restitution. This case was settled almost 100 years ago. Our city is getting played by outside special interest groups trying to extort money because of emotionally charged movements in recent months.

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    Mike Michalski over 3 years ago

    Other than a revision of the plaque and commissioning artwork to recognize the eminent domain seizure of the Bruces' property, I believe the task force's work is done and the BBTF should be disbanded. No reparations, restitution or restoration (and MBCC needs to push back against Janice Hahn on the latter). No Resolution of Apology, due to potential legal liability or, alternatively, adopt Steve N's more focused alternative resolution but only after consultation with city counsel.

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    Scott Chambers over 3 years ago

    I oppose any apology of any kind. I and my multinational neighbors had nothing to do with what happened. No reparations or restitution this case was settled almost 100 years ago. There were four other black owned lots involved and those families chose to stay in Manhattan Beach. As well as 25 lots owned by white families. The task force needs to finish the job they were assigned and wrap it up. Starting with the "fact" based history of Bruce's Beach not hearsay.

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    Stephanie Monash over 3 years ago

    Bad $hit happens. My grandfather was interned at Dachau; my father was blacklisted during the McCarthy era. The entire history of man is fraught with with misdeeds and atrocities. It is unjust to impose hardship on those who bear no personal responsibility for long-past transgressions and only a craven council would cave to pressure to do so. Rewrite the plaque to provide an accurate accounting of this sordid piece of local history and be done with it.Time moves on and so should we.

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    Matt Domyancic over 3 years ago

    No apologies, no restitution, no reparations, nothing more than a presentation of all facts and an art project as was supposed intent of this task force. So far what the local press and some residents on social media are pushing, including those on the task force, seems to be motivated more by feelings and political ideology than facts. Also an intent to smear the brave men and women of MBPD as well as residents of our city as racists.

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    Dawn Lowe over 3 years ago

    Apologize to the Bruce family and give them restitution. Reinstate Allison Hales. Tell the unvarnished truth about Bruce’s Beach. If Manhattan Beach won’t, then the New York Times, Atlanta Blackstar and LA Times will. That’s right all these big organizations are putting Manhattan Beach on the map for controversial reasons. The world is watching. Do the right thing.

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    Jason Boxer over 3 years ago

    I write to support the declaration of apology brought forth by the Task Force. Despite what you will read in other public comments from my neighbors and friends who feel threatened by this document, supporting this apology in no way equates to condemning MB residents as individual purveyors of racism. It implies nothing negative or accusatory about the moral character of our city. It does not mean hurling the label of "racist" at your constituents. It does the exact opposite. - Jason Boxer

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    Douglas Barclay over 3 years ago

    I write in support of these recommendations, even though they are largely symbolic and do not address the economic injury or the issue of reparations. This is only a tiny first step. As pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church and Preschool in Manhattan Beach and as an ELCA Lutheran, I am called lament this history of overt racism, to name is as sin, and to call out the systemic racism that still permeates our city. I commit to working in my parish to educate, repair, and act. -The Rev. Douglas Barclay