Meeting Time: March 15, 2022 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

14. 22-0130 Consideration of Updating the Special Event Policy, Removing the Exclusion of Bruce's Beach, and 8th Street and Larsson Street Parkettes as Possible Locations (Parks and Recreation Director Leyman). (Estimated Time: 1 Hr.) DISCUSS AND PROVIDE DIRECTION

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    Gary Senser over 2 years ago

    Bruce’s Beach is not suitable for large events and should be excluded from such events as it is now...

    -Too small for large groups
    -Not safe for large gatherings, with its steep topography - there is a risk of significant, potential liability
    -Lack of restroom facilities, public urination in the park and on neighbors' property
    -Very limited parking, cars double-parked, cars and motorcycles on the park grass and sidewalks
    -Loud, intrusive noise and general disorder ruin the peaceful tranquility that is Bruce’s Beach's natural state
    -Trash & litter cannot be contained and is strewn throughout the park and on adjacent neighbors' property

    These problems cannot be solved by any reasonable means as Bruce's Beach is simply too small for large events.

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    Loren McClanathan over 2 years ago

    As a resident living on the perimeter of Bruce's Beach Park I strongly oppose any changes to the exclusion of Bruce's Beach and the other parkettes from permitted events. These parks are not suited to hosting events like the one on Feb 27 that resulted in activities currently prohibited in our parks such as amplified music, alcohol consumption, and illegal parking. Keep the exclusions in place and enforce the park rules now in place. Bruce's Beach does not have the parking capacity or restroom capacity to handle hundreds of people in addition to the regular beach attendees at this location.

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    LtCol Harding over 2 years ago

    I am disappointed you allowed a massive event at the 26thSt Park. A Permit wasn't allowed yet the event still went on uncontested. There is no good reason to have a large event at this park, PERMITTED or not. This park is in a residential area and has limited facilities. I would say this even IF the partygoers were peaceful & all residents. Do you really think the same group will apply for a permit the next go around?
    You turned a blind eye when non-residents did what residents aren’t even allowed to do. You then turn the other blind eye when these visitors harass residents, smoke pot, drink alcohol, urinate on yards, blast music, swear@residents, leave trash on the ground, throw items at cars, park illegally, bring furniture onto grass areas, block sidewalks/streets, etc
    I DO NOT support Permits to residents or non-residents for events at the 26thSt Park or any other smaller park.
    Sincerely, LtCol(ret) Harding

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    Elyse Gura over 2 years ago

    I support placing Bruce's Beach Park & 2 parkettes within the scope of the city's Special Event Permit policy, including 1. Guidelines for all parks will be location-specific. Such parameters include event frequency & size, noise, alcohol, safety and health. NOT ALL PERMIT REQUESTS WILL BE APPROVED 2. Parameters will include requirements for toilet facilities, trash containers, signage, parking & enforcement 3. These parameters will allow the city to generate revenue as well as recoup expenses for facilities and personnel . 4. There will penalties for organizers who violate or fail to enforce the parameters under which an approved permit was given. 5. Organizers cannot escape event expenses and requirements by ignoring the permit process. They will be fined for violations also. In this way the city will be able to control events at all locations, recognizing the justified concerns and rights of neighbors and the neighborhood.

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    Taylor Gamble over 2 years ago

    I support the removal of the exclusion that currently prevents individuals from requesting special event permits for three public parks in Manhattan Beach. Each park in our beautiful city should be eligible for a special event permit request. Key word: request. I trust the MB Parks & Recreation Commission to carefully review the permit applications for each park and use their best judgement in the approval process. Opening up the option to request a permit for special events at these 3 additional parks will:

    -Provide additional revenue to the city.
    -Prevent unauthorized gatherings.
    -Allow the MB Parks & Recreation Commission to create a tailor specific permitting requirements for each individual park and mitigate neighborhood impact accordingly.  

    The City’s parks are a valuable asset to the community, and residents should have the opportunity to reserve all parks for appropriate events.

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    Patricia Lane over 2 years ago

    Absolute NO to special events at Bruce’s beach parkette and other parkettes!!

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    Lana Rizika over 2 years ago

    I urge Council to approve the recommendation to allow Bruce's Beach and the 2 parkettes to be included in the Special Event Policy. I would rather have the city determine what activities can take place at these locations than have individuals decide for themselves. When the city permits an event, proper resources are put into place (i.e. trash bins, toilets) and rules are laid out to govern noise and traffic. Let the city have control over these events, so that the neighbors are accommodated!

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    Kim BrantLucich over 2 years ago

    For all the reasons set forth in my email to the City Council, which I request be made part of the public record of this item, I urge the Council to accept the Commission's recommendation to remove the exclusion of the three parks. The recommendation is a significant improvement to the existing policy:
    -- Defines parameters for all parks based on size, location, frequency and event type, thereby reducing impacts to neighbors; permitted events will be appropriate to each park
    -- Recommends mitigating actions to event organizers (toilets, noise levels, parking, etc.)
    -- Fairness - all city parks will be made available to all residents for appropriate events
    -- Establishes punitive measures for organizers who violate protocols
    -- Reduces or eliminates non-permitted events; penalizes organizers of such events

    Neighbors' concerns are mitigated with this excellent recommendation.

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    Mary Maguire over 2 years ago

    I am in strong opposition to allowing special events at Bruce's Beach, 8th Street and Larsson Street Parkettes. They are located in residential areas that aren't designed to handle events that bring in myriad problems such as lack of parking, security, restrooms, increased traffic, noise and alcohol consumption. There is no benefit to the residents nor to the City to allow large events in small neighborhoods.

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    Laurie Patrick over 2 years ago

    Retain Special Events Exclusion for Bruce's Beach and Parkettes!
    They are too small, lack facilities, and impact the neighborhood negatively.

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    James Gee over 2 years ago

    Strongly oppose: Bruce's Beach event aftermath; City is not prepared to deal with such events in a manner that protects both our resident and guests. Multiple laws were broken, residents were endangered and inappropriate behaviors were rampant. We don't seem prepared to deal with scofflaws. The Parks and Recreation committee made these significant recommendations that I believe the city should execute well prior to any further consideration of modification. Those were (truncated)
    " Additionally, the Commission recommended that the City Council direct
    staff to:
    1. Update the Special Event Policy to specify distinct parameters for each park, have greater ability to impose conditions to mitigate impacts
    2. Review the Municipal Code and return to the City Council with
    recommendations to update Municipal Code Section 12 .........
    3. Create a playbook to proactively address unpermitted events

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    Michelle Minier over 2 years ago

    I do support this proposal. First, it’s not practical to allow Bruce’s Beach to have large events. This area is already congested, impacting the residents and not suited for special events. Do what’s best for the residents of Manhattan Beach and do not approve this initiative.

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    Robert Casanova over 2 years ago

    Council persons; As was clearly evidence by the mayhem brought to our town a few weekends ago, I along w many of my neighbors in the CrestView area are extremely opposed to this measure. This is clearly a recipe for potential litigation against the City and its residents from the potential future mayhem. Yes I recognize that the event from a few weeks ago brought in nice families to our community initially but the afternoon and early eve hours brought in many disrespectful individuals that were not interested in keeping our park and surrounding areas as they initially found it. The police had very little presence, a few plain clothe officers. That was clearly a mistake motivated by officials afraid of a potential riotous situation. Living a few blocks from Bruce’s beach we saw what started to be a nice event turn into a loud, obnoxious scene. The lack of parking , the traffic caused in relation to the group of 40+ cyclists on Highland and other areas are not acceptable! Thank you

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    Maureen Denitz over 2 years ago

    Let’s keep the small town feel and not approve the special event proposal for Bruces beach Park. It’s not suited for a large events. Roadways were crowded, not enough parking, it was a log jam during the last event a few weeks back. Emerg vehicles would have a tough time navigating the roadway. Neighbors will be complaining to city left and right. It’s not worth it. It’s a reflective park overlooking our beautiful Pacific Ocean. Let it be.

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    Mary Chieffe over 2 years ago

    Please leave the park exemption as is. There's no good reason to change it and several good reasons that this policy was put into place in the first place. People wanting to hold large events have options with better parking, available restrooms and less proximity to residential neighborhoods. Let's show respect for those homeowners near these parks (and other citizens of MB) and continue the event policy as it now stands.

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    Bill Harding over 2 years ago

    Please do not approve. I see zero benefit and loads of potential problems bringing in these kind of events to residential neighborhoods not equipped to host them. The homeowners, who any many cases shelled out literally millions of dollars, did not and do not want this kind of "special event" invading their otherwise quiet neighborhoods.

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    Elizabeth Heatherton over 2 years ago

    Council Members, please advise us all why illegal activities and non-permitted very large gatherings are allowed to go on in MB parks that do not have the resources (bathrooms, parking, security, etc)? Why? As residents, we abide by the rules, park and gather accordingly, obey the noise and alcohol ordinances, etc. but "someone" has thought it's a great idea to allow chaos at a small local park? Why are residents expected to abide by rules/codes/laws but non-residents can do whatever and without permits? Huh? Where's the logic in this, did I miss something? Do any Council members actually live by Bruce Beach, Larsson or Eighth St. parks? If you did, you would NOT support a recommendation to allow such events.

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    Charles Southey over 2 years ago

    Honorable Council,
    Per my email, Please DO NOT adopt the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation commission to include the Eighth Street and Larsson Street parkettes and Bruce's Beach park in the special events permitting process.

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    lauren harger over 2 years ago

    I am urging Council to vote NO in adopting the ridiculous recommendation of Parks & Rec to update its Special Events policy to include Bruce's Beach, Larsson and Eight Street Parkettes. I can't think of a single circumstance where a special event by any group should be permitted at these small neighborhood sites. Allowing them to be included in the permit process does not give us more control. It gives de facto permission for them. The problem can easily be solved by allowing our local police to cite all those who violate the clearly posted existing rules. There was a reason Council voted four years ago to exclude them from special events. What has changed in the mean time? Obviously, groups with a political agenda have been gaining increasing influence over City Council decisions. Please do not let our neighborhood quality of life suffer because of your timidity to stand up to exploitative non-resident groups who do not have the best interest of our city in mind.

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    DM Cummings over 2 years ago

    I am asking that City Council not adopt the recommendation of the Parks & Recreation commission to include the Eighth Street and Larsson Street parkettes and Bruce's Beach park in the special events permitting process. Reasons for retaining the current regs and excluding those venues from such permits include their relatively small size, their location in heavily residential neighborhoods and the harm that would ensue to those nearby homeowners as well as anyone trying to use the parks due to the noise (particularly if there's amplified sound), the traffic, possible street closures and the shortage of nearby parking and restroom facilities. And at utmost the lack of police availability, as seen during the Party and Bike gang ride at the last event at BB.