The Downtown Visioning Forum was conducted on Thursday last week, June 5th. It was well attended with about sixty people participating. Comments and ideas were recorded on flip-charts as we went, and we will be typing those up and will have them available later this week.
Thank you for sharing your ideas. I have moved your ideas to the Downtown Plan Project portion of the MB Forum as that is where we will be posting the feedback from the Downtown Visioning Forum we recently hosted.
The new library will be a key activity center for the Downtown when it opens in 2015. That will be a key consideration in shaping the Downtown Plan and I am sure you family will enjoy the many amenities to be found there. There is a monthly construction progress report on the library available on the City web site if you want to follow the project. Just go to and click on the New Library tab on the right side of the home page.
Thank you for sharing your idea. This issue has been of on-going concern in the community. The City Council has considered a mansionization ordinance with new requirements to mitigate some of the possible impacts which you describe. There will undoubtedly be proposed modifications to development standards in the future so residents sharing their ideas will continue to guide this evolution.
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin almost 11 years ago on Where can we find a good recap of what was discussed at the recent downtown discussion?
The Downtown Visioning Forum was conducted on Thursday last week, June 5th. It was well attended with about sixty people participating. Comments and ideas were recorded on flip-charts as we went, and we will be typing those up and will have them available later this week.
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin over 10 years ago on Where can we find a good recap of what was discussed at the recent downtown discussion?
The Notes from the Downtown Visioning Forum have been posted as an attachment to the Downtown Plan Project..
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin over 10 years ago on Some suggestions
Thank you for sharing your ideas. I have moved your ideas to the Downtown Plan Project portion of the MB Forum as that is where we will be posting the feedback from the Downtown Visioning Forum we recently hosted.
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin almost 11 years ago on I would like to see downtown on weekends without cars.
Thanks for your suggestion. Definitely something that can be explored as we develop our new Downtown Plan.
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin almost 11 years ago on Saturday downtown with family
The new library will be a key activity center for the Downtown when it opens in 2015. That will be a key consideration in shaping the Downtown Plan and I am sure you family will enjoy the many amenities to be found there. There is a monthly construction progress report on the library available on the City web site if you want to follow the project. Just go to and click on the New Library tab on the right side of the home page.
David Biggs, Sr. Management Analyst, City of Manhattan Beach admin almost 11 years ago on The City should evaluate new construction and consider how it impacts existing residences.
Thank you for sharing your idea. This issue has been of on-going concern in the community. The City Council has considered a mansionization ordinance with new requirements to mitigate some of the possible impacts which you describe. There will undoubtedly be proposed modifications to development standards in the future so residents sharing their ideas will continue to guide this evolution.