Meeting Time: December 01, 2020 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

11. 20-0291 City Council Reorganization: a) History and Discussion of Mayoral Rotation b) Selection of Mayor c) Selection of Mayor Pro Tem d) Recognition of Outgoing Mayor Montgomery APPROVE

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    Madhu Chatwani about 4 years ago

    Suzanne Hadley should not be appointed as our next mayor! Her comments with regards to the pandemic have been egregious and indicative of complete thoughtlessness and lack of leadership! Being a healthcare provider and speaking for our healthcare workers, the pandemic is NOT a partisan issue - we provide care to everyone without judgment and respect first do no harm! She claims she doesn't know anyone who died from COVID-19 and it is "not the role of society to prevent death"! We must do better!

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    Marc Sinai about 4 years ago

    I am a 20 year resident of Manhattan Beach, and I support Suzanne Hadley as mayor.
    As a former citizen of a dictatorship, I am sad that I have to remind some people that we live in a democracy where individuals are free to express opinions which differ from others. Suzanne has not been accused of any illegal or unethical behavior and to punish her for merely expressing her opinions is undemocratic.
    I urge you to oppose this intolerant and destructive cancel culture mentality.

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    Robert Draves about 4 years ago

    Support Hadley for mayor

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    Samantha Abrahami about 4 years ago

    Do not appoint Suzanne Hadley as our next mayor. In the midst of a pandemic, she has claimed that it is "not the role of society is not to prevent death." I whole heartedly disagree with this heinous & divisive statement, it is of utmost importance that our community bands together to prevent death & reduce harm. Hadley has repeatedly proven that she does not have the necessary qualities to lead our city through this crisis. We can and must do better.

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    Vita Droutman about 4 years ago

    I support Suzanne Hadley as a pro term mayor

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    Chris Davis about 4 years ago

    We are in unprecedented times and that calls for unprecedented measures to keep ourselves and our town safe. I believe the Richard Montgomery has done an exemplary job during his tenure as mayor during this pandemic. Suzanne Hadley is on every form of social media posting divisive comments creating a partisan divide. She does it in a very passive aggressive manner which lacks leadership skills. We need a strong leader and Richard Montgomery should retain his role as mayor.

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    Robin Cleland about 4 years ago

    To deny or delay the traditional transfer of the mayoral responsibilities from Mayor Montgomery to Mayor Pro Tem Suzanne Hadley
    is contrary to how our rotational system has worked in this city for 50 years. I feel this introduces a element of poisonous partisanship into what is supposed to be a nonpartisan Council.

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    Boris Droutman about 4 years ago

    I fully support Suzanne Hadley as our next Mayor. Let's keep the 50-year tradition going, let people's voices and opinions be heard, and let's keep bitter political partisanship out of MB.

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    James Harger about 4 years ago

    I may not agree with all of Suzanne's positions but let's not let a small minority of "worthless" liberal activists, who enjoy playing partisan politics, to deny her turn as our mayor. Thank God we will soon have four like minded council members who put public safety and infrastructure to serve our needs a top priority. Good luck Suzanne.

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    Laurel Ulrich about 4 years ago

    Suzanne Hadley has my full support as the next Mayor of MB. I voted for her in the last election and she represents my views on how MB should be managed. To try and cancel out our voices and to stop her from being Mayor is uncivil. If we were able to change our President and Congress during Covid, I don’t see any good reason why we would undo a 50 year tradition for Mayor over Covid. I am looking forward to a new term with Suzanne as Mayor and Joe Franklin on the City Council.

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    Tiffany Barbara about 4 years ago

    Suzanne will be an outstanding Mayor. I have no doubt that we will benefit from her insightful and dedicated leadership. She has my complete confidence and I believe she will represent Manhattan Beach well.

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    Edward Kalinowski about 4 years ago

    I fully support Suzanne Hadley to do the job she was elected for and become our next mayor in Manhattan Beach. To try to change our system at this time is clearly pandering to partisan politics and is not appropriate at this time. It is deeply disturbing that this cancel culture is even infiltrating our own close knit community and shows a total lack of civility.

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    KimLien NgoWah about 4 years ago

    Dear MB City Council.
    The rotation of Mayor has been a 50 year tradition in MB and I fully support Suzanne Hadley as our next mayor of Manhattan Beach. As a 25 year resident of MB, Hadley’s voice represents many of us in this community and we fully expect her to rotate in as mayor based not only on her merit but also on our historical precedent.

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    Megan Zimmer about 4 years ago

    I support Suzanne Hadley to be the next mayor as is the tradition of Manhattan Beach. She was elected to council with 25% of the vote (first place) so that demonstrates she has the support of our city. In addition, to use Covid-19 as an excuse to change or delay the rotation is purely political. Listen to the overwhelming support for Ms. Hadley and select her as mayor without hesitation.

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    Candice Witek about 4 years ago

    I fully support S. Hadley as our next Mayor. The rotation of Mayor has been a 50 year tradition. I see no reason she is not capable of taking position. She has been on the council since the pandemic started, is a voice of reason and not fear. Suzanne was elected to City Council because she DOES represent a large portion of MB residents. I hope vindictive behaviors in the Council will end this coming January as Joe Franklin is sworn in. As a 42 year resident of MB, it’s sad this is on agenda.

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    D Berger about 4 years ago

    Dear City Council - I am writing in support of keeping Richard Montgomery as our mayor during this tenuous time of the pandemic. These are extenuating circumstances and we need the continuity and know-how of the existing mayor. Also, I do not believe that Suzanne Hadley represents the voice of many of us in this community.

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    D Thomas about 4 years ago

    Dear City Council- as you know this pandemic has introduced many challenging and complicated issues that have required deep experience at the city level. Hermosa Beach City Council recently opted to forgo their rotation tradition to pick the candidate they thought best for the job. Similarly I ask you to consider moving up Richard’s second mayoral term for his strong experience and seasoned leadership. I voted for Suzanne but with this pandemic surging we need safety over tradition.

    D. Thomas

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    Heather Rezner about 4 years ago

    I fully support Suzanne Hadley as our next mayor of Manhattan Beach. This is no place for divisive partisanship and cancel culture. As a 20 year resident of MB, Hadley’s voice represents many of us in this community and we fully expect her to rotate in as mayor based not only on her merit but also on our historical precedent.
    -Heather Rezner

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    Maureen Denitz about 4 years ago

    We trust Suzanne Hadley will become our next Mayor this December. She has earned our support. She has risen above the insults and harassment from a vocal minority especially the countless articles by partisan media. This should never have been on the agenda and it’s shameful in my opinion.

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    Lisa Acker about 4 years ago

    I have been a resident of Manhattan Beach for 28 years and have never seen a reason prior to this to state my opinion so clearly. I voted for Suzanne Hadley and have every confidence in her leadership. If this campaign against her having the clear timing that every other council member has had to become mayor goes other than the historical pattern that has clearly been established, then I lose the confidence that my vote counts!! She has spoken and lead with wisdom.